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Writer's pictureMeenakshi M

The Internet Hinterland: A Brief Trip to the Dark Web

Image source: By Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

It is a common consensus among a majority of people today that the internet brings the world at our fingertips, isn’t it? While that is true, here’s an interesting fact: The internet that we access today is just 1% of the total internet space! Shocking, right? Well, this 1% of the internet is called clear net. What about the rest, one may wonder?!

The internet is primarily divided into three segments – the one that we can access today by using search engines like Google and Yahoo constitute the clear net. The major chunk of the internet is what is known as the deep web. This is the part of the internet that is protected by paywalls, passwords and other security measures, and includes bank accounts, government websites that contain federal secrets, medical reports, etc. and requires password sign-ins. Since these are not indexed by internet search engines, they are not easy to access. This deep web forms about 96-99% of the internet.

The Dark Web: What is it?

The third part of the web, that constitutes just 5% of the total internet, is called the dark web. The dark web is, in fact, a subset of the deep web and is intentionally hidden. By definition, the dark web is that part of the internet which is hidden and is not indexed by search engines. To access the dark web, one needs a different browser called the Tor browser.

The name ‘Dark Web’ and the fact that it is hidden from view gives this part of the internet an ominous aura, doesn’t it? Ask anyone who recognizes the dark web and you are most likely going to hear things like – “The dark web is illegal”, “The dark web is for dangerous activities” or “The dark web is accessed only by criminals”. However, this is just half the truth.

Yes, the dark web is hidden and many types of dangerous characters are found lurking around in it dingy, deep alleys, but it is a legitimate entity and is being used by law-abiding citizens across the world.

How does it Work?

Image source: Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

As I mentioned earlier, it is not possible to use your Chrome or Firefox browser to log in to any of the websites available on the dark web. They require a special browser called the Tor browser. The Tor browser is available for all laptops, desktops and even for mobile phones. You can download the browser from the Google play store for Android phones or the Apple App Store for iPhones. Though the basic working of the dark web is very similar to the clear net, there are some obvious differences.

While most URLs on the clear net end with a .com, those on the dark web end with .onion. Onion? Wondering why a vegetable in a web URL? Well, there is good reason! The entire point of the dark web is anonymity. To ensure anonymity, every IP address, transaction and any form of communication is relayed through multiple private servers. In this way, multiple layers of secrecy guard one’s real identity, similar to the layers of an onion. Hence, the URL!

Just like we have Google, Yahoo and other similar search engines on the clear net, the dark web has its own set of search engines. The problem, however, is the fast-paced dynamic nature of the dark web which makes it difficult to keep up with the rapidly changing landscape.

A major difference that you will notice while surfing on the dark web is the slow speed of the browser, which might instantly take you on a time travel back to the early internet ages. Grams is a popular search engine on the dark web but, is not as efficient as the search engines on the clear net as it often throws up irrelevant or repetitive search results.

Are there Websites on the Dark Web?

Yes, there are plenty of websites on the dark web just like the clear net. However, they are not as easy to access. These websites have incomprehensible web addresses like https://www.propub3r6espa33w.onion/ – an investigative journalism website.

Image Source:

The dark web is also home to the Hidden Wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which is like your one-stop access point for all you want to search for on the dark web. There are many issues with the websites on the dark web. A common one is that many websites are dubious and run by scammers who are looking for their next victim. The websites can suddenly be there right now but disappear within seconds, even before you can comprehend what happened.

The dark web has its e-commerce websites that sell practically anything under the Sun. Right from stolen credit cards, counterfeit currency, illicit drugs, illegal porn, weapons, recruiting people for political protests, recruitment for radical outbreaks, etc. They function pretty much the same way we are used to on the clear net with reviews and other fanfare. However, nothing on the dark web is trustable. Instances like someone has paid for a product but not received it because the website disappeared overnight are common.

Want to get adventurous? Apart from the websites mentioned in this article, here are some more dark websites that are worth visiting:

  • duckduckgo(https://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion/)

  • Candle(http://gjobqjj7wyczbqie.onion/)

  • SearX(http://ulrn6sryqaifefld.onion/)

  • Facebook(https://www.facebookcorewwwi.onion/) Shocking right?

  • BBC Tor Mirror(http://bbcnewsv2vjtpsuy.onion/)

The Dark Web and Bitcoin

Image source:

The dark web was still trying to find a foothold and people using it found it difficult to use legal currencies across the world to trade as these were being monitored closely by government and spy agencies of almost all countries. All this until bitcoin made its entry into this world. Bitcoin, a type of cryptocurrency, is one of the major reasons that the dark web flourished and continues to do so.

Bitcoin had a lot in common to the dark web. When one trades in bitcoin, it is a trusted transaction where both parties are unaware of the other’s identity. This is exactly what people on the dark web needed, especially for e-commerce sites. However, a completed transaction on these websites doesn’t guarantee your order will arrive, but it sure showed the way ahead for those on the dark web.

Is the Dark Web Legal?

Image source: Fathromi Ramdlon from Pixabay

After reading thus far, one impression that you may have already formed is – the dark web, as the name goes, is a dark place. So, is it an illegal place? Not really.

In spite of most of the dark web being used for illegal activities(thanks to the anonymity factor!), it is very much legal. In many countries and cities around the world where freedom of speech is compromised, the dark web provides a safe platform for people to express, communicate and share their thoughts and voice their opinions.

There’s an infinite amount of material on the dark web if one wants to learn more about cryptocurrency, and privacy and data protection. There is also a lot of material and resources available on the dark web such as – full-edition of books, research papers, a collection of political news, etc. You will be shocked to know that even Facebook has a presence on the dark web. It is also no surprise that law enforcement agencies, government agencies and other security service bodies are present and active on the dark web.

A good example of this is the popular Netflix show La Casa de Papel or Money Heist, that shows the bank robber Rio purchase a machine gun on the dark web, and even the Spanish Police Force trying to decode the communication between the robbers at the Spanish Mint by using the dark web on one of the episodes.

Let there be light!

The dark web is a very complicated place and way too dynamic. There are plenty of stories that have emerged from the dark web and many a show have been produced on popular OTT platforms like Netlfix that show fictional as well as well-documented cases of the happenings on the dark web.

While there is a lot to learn from the dark web and it is entirely not malicious as it is made out to be, caution, safety and anonymity must be your best friends while you are exploring the dark lanes and by-lanes of this hinterland.

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