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Writer's pictureMeenakshi M

Is Increasing the Marriageable Age for Women Going to Impact the Country?

Image source: Swadhin Das from Pixabay/ TheCheckup

“35% of females in India are married before the age of 21 years. The situation in West Bengal is the worst across all states with the mean marriage age only 20.9 years and almost 47% of females getting married before the age of 21 years, even worse than Bihar and Rajasthan,” the report states.

Any change that aims to bring about equality of gender is always welcome in a patriarchal world. One such change was announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his Independence Day speech on 15th August 2020. He and his government plan to increase the legal marriageable age of women from 18 to 21 years, the same as the age for men in the country. There are many people who are looking forward to this change as it is expected to create a modern, forward-thinking India in the coming future. There are also many, anti-bhakts so to say, who are against the whole idea and cite varied reasons. Though not a bhakt, but I totally believe that raising the legal age for women to marry is actually beneficial to the country in the long run.

Increasing the age of women to 21 automatically means that parents will be compelled to send their daughter for further education or encourage them to take up a job. This in turn is for the greater societal good as women will be more independent– socially as well as financially. Financially empowered women is what our society needs today and this move by the present government will definitely help society move in that direction.

Another benefit that we will immediately notice in the coming years with this positive move is the drastic reduction in the Maternal Mortality Rates(MMR) as women will be more sound mentally, emotionally, and physically to be able to give birth. This also, in turn, improves child health and gives rise to a new generation of healthy mothers and children. I believe it is a welcome change in a law that hasn’t undergone a change in the past 40 years. It is a law that will break many a stereotype, including the so-called “Women are more mature than men at a given age”.

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